Many European countries, including Poland, have drought inherent in their geographical location. Looking for economic and ecological technical solutions in the field of irrigation and water filtration, we discover the attractiveness of solar water pumping systems. The pioneer and leader of this technology is LORENTZ.

ETC plus introduces LORENTZ solar pump systems to its offer.
We met Mr. Lorentz for the first time at a joint seminar at Kabul University in Afghanistan in 2007. where we presented modern technical solutions for local communities. Lorentz presented solar irrigation systems, ETC hybrid guaranteed power supply systems for schools, hospitals and mobile communications. Business relations from Central Asia, still alive today, did not translate into business in Europe, in Poland.
In recent years, we have come to realize that we are a country that is prone to hydrological drought. Poland has been repeatedly affected by droughts, which has caused serious problems in agriculture, industrial water use and nature conservation. According to the report published by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Poland is a country that can expect an increase in the number of days with drought per year. This report draws attention to the decrease in the number of days with precipitation and the increase in temperatures, which leads to rapid evaporation of water from the soil and increases the risk of drought. Therefore, Poland should take measures to counteract the effects of drought, including investing in irrigation systems, developing water saving technologies and promoting awareness among farmers and society about the need to protect water resources.
Many European countries, e.g. Spain, Greece, the entire Balkans, having drought inscribed in their geographical location, have been intensively developing and rebuilding irrigation networks since 2016, looking for economic and ecological technical solutions. Thanks to the EU-funded MASLOWATEN project, the benefits of solar energy for irrigation pumps were widely disseminated.
After consultations with our friends from LORENTZ, we decided that it was high time to present their solar irrigation solutions in Poland to leading companies in the professional irrigation of agricultural crops and orchards, and directly to investors: farmers and fruit growers. The first such meeting, after obtaining the status of a LORENTZ Partner, is planned during the next Agrotech fair in Kielce.
LORENTZ is a company specializing in solar-powered pump systems.
Founded in 1993, LORENTZ is a pioneer and innovator in the engineering and production of solar-powered water pumps. It designs, develops and produces the widest range of solar pumps in the world. Mechanical, electronic and software designs are carried out in-house by a specialized team that has been pumping water using solar energy for 20 years. Design work is concentrated at the global headquarters and technology center on the outskirts of Hamburg.
LORENTZ offers two product lines of complete solar pump systems:
- PS2 for small and medium installations with pump power from 100 to 4000W
- PSk for medium and large installations with pump power from 7kW to 100kW
The offer dedicated to the European market is complemented by:
- ecosystem of monitoring and managing CONNECT pump installations
- pumpMANAGER smartphone application for local and remote system configuration
- COMPAS software for designing solar irrigation systems with simulation of annual insolation plans for any location
- Extensive set of accessories: probes, sensors, water meters, components for PV installations
Installing a LORENTZ solar water pump system in Central Europe brings many benefits to users and the environment.
Firstly, the LORENTZ solar irrigation system is highly efficient and reliable. Thanks to the use of photovoltaic panels, the system can operate independently of the supply of energy from the grid, which allows continuous and uninterrupted irrigation of plants. LORENTZ systems also offer a wide range of solutions, thanks to which they can be adapted to different needs and climatic conditions. The PSk line offers the possibility of hybrid operation, where the temporary deficit of solar energy can be supplemented from the grid or a power generator.
Secondly, the installation of the LORENTZ solar water pumping system can bring significant financial savings. Since LORENTZ systems are powered by solar energy, users do not have to bear the cost of electricity or the cost of an electrical connection. In addition, the LORENTZ solar system is very durable and requires little money for maintenance and repairs.
Thirdly, the ecological benefits are huge. Irrigation with the LORENTZ solar system uses renewable energy, which contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. Compared to traditional irrigation systems, it is much more environmentally friendly.
ETC, as a technical and commercial partner of LORENTZ, guarantees investors and integrators of irrigation systems full design, commercial and service support as well as support in submitting appropriate applications for funding irrigation investments.
In Poland, farmers can take advantage of various forms of financial support for the installation of irrigation systems in areas of hydrological drought. This support is available from both national and EU funds:
- Rural Development Program
- National Reconstruction Plan
- National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
It is worth remembering that funding is usually awarded on a competitive basis, and the decision to award a grant depends on many factors, such as the level of advancement of the project or compliance with ecological criteria. LORENTZ solutions perfectly match these criteria.
ETCplus has been designing, manufacturing, selling and servicing guaranteed power supply systems and energy storage systems, also from renewable sources, for 30 years. Recently, he has been developing his competences in the field of agro-photovoltaic projects, including solar water pumping systems for irrigation, industrial and filtering systems.